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Manage curtailment risk in renewable energy industry

The renewable energy industry is rapidly growing, with wind and solar power becoming increasingly popular sources of electricity generation. However, as the amount of renewable energy on the grid increases, so does the risk of curtailment – a situation where energy production must be reduced or even suspended due to the inability of the power grid to handle the excess energy. Curtailment can be costly for renewable energy producers and can hinder the growth of the industry. To address this challenge, various solutions have been developed to manage or transfer curtailment risk. In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective solutions, including energy storage, demand response, curtailment contracts, transmission upgrades, and market design changes, and how they can be used to ensure a stable and profitable renewable energy industry.

What is Curtailment Risk?

Curtailment risk in the renewable energy industry refers to the potential loss of revenue that can occur when energy production exceeds the capacity of the power grid to handle it. This can happen when there is a mismatch between the supply of renewable energy and the demand for it, leading to situations where excess energy is generated but cannot be utilized or stored.

In some cases, curtailment may be necessary to maintain grid stability and prevent blackouts or other disruptions. However, curtailment can be costly for renewable energy producers, who may be forced to shut down their facilities or reduce their output, resulting in lost revenue and reduced profitability.

Curtailment risk is particularly relevant in markets where renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, make up a significant portion of the energy mix. It is also a concern in regions with high levels of renewable energy generation but limited grid infrastructure or energy storage capacity. To mitigate curtailment risk, renewable energy producers may need to invest in energy storage solutions, improve grid infrastructure, or develop new markets for excess energy.

What is generation curtailment and load curtailment?

Generation curtailment and load curtailment are two different concepts related to the management of electricity supply and demand.

Generation curtailment refers to the situation where a power plant, such as a solar or wind farm, is forced to reduce or shut down its energy production due to limitations in the capacity of the power grid to handle the excess energy. This can happen when there is a surplus of electricity on the grid, and there is not enough demand to absorb it. To prevent overloading and grid instability, the power plant may be curtailed, which means reducing or stopping its energy production temporarily.

Load curtailment, on the other hand, refers to the intentional reduction of electricity consumption by end-users, such as businesses or households, during periods of high demand or supply shortages. This is typically done to reduce strain on the power grid and prevent blackouts or other disruptions. Load curtailment can be achieved through various measures, such as turning off non-essential equipment or reducing heating or cooling.

Both generation curtailment and load curtailment are important tools for managing electricity supply and demand and ensuring the stability and reliability of the power grid. However, they can also have economic and environmental implications, particularly for renewable energy producers who may lose revenue due to generation curtailment and for businesses who may face higher energy costs or reduced productivity due to load curtailment.

Examples of Curtailment Risk in Asia

One example of curtailment risk in renewable energy in Asian countries is in China. China has invested heavily in wind and solar power in recent years, but the country’s power grid has struggled to keep pace with the rapid expansion of renewable energy. As a result, there have been times when the grid has been unable to absorb all of the electricity generated from wind and solar farms, leading to curtailment.

For example, in the first half of 2021, wind curtailment rates in China’s Xinjiang region reached 16.4%, while solar curtailment rates in the same region were even higher at 19.7%. This means that a significant amount of renewable energy generated in the region had to be wasted or turned off because there was no space on the grid to accommodate it.

This curtailment risk not only results in lost revenue for renewable energy companies but also undermines the government’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a cleaner energy system. Therefore, addressing curtailment risk is a critical challenge for the renewable energy industry in China and other Asian countries.

Curtailment Risk Mitigation

There are several solutions that can be used to manage or transfer curtailment risk in the renewable energy industry:

  1. Energy storage: One way to manage curtailment risk is by investing in energy storage solutions, such as batteries or pumped hydro storage. These systems can store excess energy produced by renewable sources during times of low demand and release it back into the grid when demand is high. This can help balance supply and demand and reduce the need for curtailment.
  2. Demand response: Another approach to managing curtailment risk is through demand response programs, which incentivize customers to reduce their energy consumption during periods of high demand. This can help reduce the strain on the grid and prevent the need for curtailment.
  3. Curtailment contracts: Renewable energy producers can also enter into curtailment contracts, which provide compensation for any lost revenue due to curtailment. These contracts can help mitigate the financial risk of curtailment and provide a more predictable revenue stream for renewable energy producers.
  4. PPA: There are several ways to manage curtailment risk under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for renewable energy projects: (1) firm energy delivery: PPAs can include clauses that require the renewable energy project developer to deliver a certain amount of energy to the grid, regardless of curtailment. This clause is often referred to as “firm energy delivery” and can provide a level of certainty for the off-taker that they will receive a certain amount of electricity from the project, even if curtailment occurs. (2) Compensation for curtailment: PPAs can also include provisions for compensation in the event of curtailment. This can include payments to the renewable energy project developer for lost revenue due to curtailment, or the right to sell excess energy to other buyers when the grid is unable to absorb it. (3) Curtailment forecasting: PPAs can also include provisions for curtailment forecasting, which can help renewable energy project developers and off-takers anticipate and plan for curtailment events. This can include real-time monitoring of grid conditions, weather forecasting, and other data-driven approaches to predict curtailment risk.
  5. Transmission & grid upgrades: Upgrading the transmission infrastructure can help increase the capacity of the power grid and reduce the likelihood of curtailment. This can involve building new transmission lines, upgrading existing lines, or implementing new grid technologies.
  6. Market design changes: Changes to market design, such as introducing more flexible pricing mechanisms or creating new markets for excess energy, can also help manage curtailment risk and provide greater value for renewable energy producers.

Curtailment Risk Insurance

Curtailment insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for losses incurred due to the curtailment of energy production. This insurance can cover a range of losses, including lost revenue, increased expenses, and equipment damage resulting from curtailment events. Curtailment insurance can be a useful tool for renewable energy producers, as it can provide a financial safety net in the event of curtailment. It can also help to facilitate financing for renewable energy projects by reducing the risk to investors and lenders. However, it is important to note that curtailment insurance can be expensive, and premiums can vary depending on a range of factors, including the size and location of the project, the type of renewable energy technology used, and the level of curtailment risk. In addition, insurance coverage may not be available in all markets or for all types of curtailment events. Insurance is just one of several solutions that can be used to manage or transfer curtailment risk, and it should be considered alongside other options, such as energy storage, demand response, transmission upgrades, and market design changes, to determine the most effective approach for a particular project or region.

Overall, a combination of these solutions can be used to manage or transfer curtailment risk in the renewable energy industry. The most effective approach will depend on the specific circumstances and market conditions in a given region.

Should you have any question about curtailment risk or need an insurance quotation for your project, please contact us by email: